MSM Noise CancellationNo casual observer of politics can ever achieve a real understanding of the modern world. Just 30 to 60 minutes catching some commercial…Nov 18, 2023Nov 18, 2023
Abolishing the Dishonest EssaysAngela Nagle recently published an article called “Products of Gestational Labor” which presents itself as a war against alleged…Jan 2, 2021Jan 2, 2021
Russiaphobes, are you listening?Just now, many months after the conclusion of the Mueller investigation that didn’t indict a single American for anything close to…Jul 22, 2020Jul 22, 2020
Sanders in South Carolina — A Post Mortem of a Post MortemAngela Nagle and Michael Tracey have written a lengthy and meandering post mortem analysis of why the Sanders campaign failed in 2020…May 26, 2020May 26, 2020
Two Bribes Are “Better” Than OneIn the recent release of the Democratic Party’s new (or is that just supposed to be better?) messaging campaign, the sloganeering is merely…Jul 27, 2017Jul 27, 2017